Treasury Career Guide 2024: Market Trends and Career Tips
Learn essential treasury skills, navigate the evolving job market, and discover key tips for career success in 2024.
Recently we had a number of situations where the candidate and employer were not able to come to an agreement. This is frustrating for all involved and, I hope, the intention of none of them. Before the recent crisis going through a recruitment process, in order to benchmark your current situation and force you current employer to raise your salary, did happen. I hope these times will not return but I suspect they might already have. This is what we do to prevent this.
During an intake meeting with a client, I will ask what the salary bandwidth for that specific position is and if there are scenarios in which he will consider a candidate with higher demands. Furthermore I try to get as much insight into fringe benefits. Some employers are a bit reluctant to disclose too much because this is an incentive for a candidate to raise his expectations. I always remind them that a candidate has to deal with competition: other candidates might be willing to start for less.
During a (telephone) interview I will ask the candidate what his current package is and what are his expectations. I will not ask for the small details but will give an indication of what to expect if they pursue a specific opportunity. The remark that a current package is not related to the salary in a new job is understandable. But let’s be practical. Why should I take your time with an assignment with a non-matching salary?
Besides having the offer and expectations clear we will do the following:
Pieter de Kiewit
Learn essential treasury skills, navigate the evolving job market, and discover key tips for career success in 2024.
In navolging van Rons eerdere artikel over de Wet DBA en VBAR, gaat hij hier in op handhaving door de belastingdienst
De aankomende Wet VBAR , die de Wet DBA naar alle waarschijnlijkheid zal vervangen, brengt belangrijke veranderingen voor interim-managers