Match of the Month - December 2024

The match of this month is one that did not materialize.

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

Our client is looking for a right-hand person for a group treasurer. Together they will bring treasury to the next level, including a TMS implementation. This is a very appealing position for a medior level treasurer looking for more responsibility.

The labour market for junior and medior treasurers is very tight but we were able to present multiple candidates. Our client reached an agreement with a young talent who did not want to work in cryptocurrencies anymore because he considered the industry unreliable. Briefly, before he should have started, the placed candidate informed our client that his current employer offered him a higher salary and he changed his mind and wants to stay…..

This of course is a highly undesirable situation for our clients. And us. Luckily we agreed upon a guarantee beforehand and the leading consultant was able to present multiple candidates quickly. Meetings are scheduled and things are looking good. Hopefully, we can say soon that the solution has been found with a candidate who is even better than the original.

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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Read more about Match of the Month – December 2024

Rückblick und Zukunftsvisionen: Treasurer Search Deutschland

In diesem Blog gibt Pieter einen Rückblick auf die bisherige Reise von Treasurer Search im deutschen Treasury-Markt, beleuchtet zentrale Meilensteine, wichtige Erkenntnisse und zeigt, wie das Team durch die Herausforderungen und Chancen gewachsen ist.

1. Wenn man auf unsere Reise zurückblickt: Auf welchen Teil unseres Eintritts in den deutschen Markt bist du besonders stolz?

Beim Blick auf unsere Reise in den deutschen Markt gibt es viel, worauf wir stolz sein können. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die erfolgreiche Besetzung von Senior Director-Positionen bei großen Unternehmen wie Cheplapharm und Deutsche Bahn, was unsere Fähigkeit unterstreicht, mit führenden Unternehmen in Kontakt zu treten. Doch es geht nicht nur um die großen Namen. Wir haben erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht, internationales Treasury-Recruiting an die besonderen Anforderungen des deutschen Marktes anzupassen – eine anspruchsvolle, aber auch sehr lohnende Aufgabe. Besonders beeindruckend war zu sehen, wie jedes Teammitglied in seiner beruflichen Entwicklung gewachsen ist. Es war eine gemeinsame Anstrengung, und die Ergebnisse sprechen für sich.

2. Wie hat sich das Team seit dem Einstieg in den deutschen Markt in Bezug auf Fähigkeiten, Wissen und Expertise weiterentwickelt?

In den letzten 15 Jahren haben wir gelernt, dass es äußerst schwierig ist, einen Treasurer zu einem Recruitment Consultant zu machen. Aber einem Recruiter beizubringen, Treasury zu verstehen, ohne selbst Treasurer zu sein, ist durchaus möglich. Während unser gesamtes Team sein Treasury-Wissen vertieft hat, haben einige Mitglieder gleichzeitig ihre Recruitment-Fähigkeiten weiterentwickelt – und so ein vielseitiges, kompetentes Team geschaffen. Was dabei besonders auffällt, ist das ausgeprägte Verantwortungsbewusstsein jedes Einzelnen. Es gibt eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft für exzellente Arbeit. Unser Beitrag, internationalen Kollegen echten Mehrwert zu bieten, ist klarer denn je, und dieses starke Bewusstsein für unsere Mission hat uns zu einem noch schlagkräftigeren Team gemacht, das bereit ist, jede neue Herausforderung anzupacken.

3. Wie hat der deutsche Markt Herangehensweise an den Aufbau von Kundenbeziehungen verändert?

Die Arbeit im deutschen Markt hat uns vor allem eines gelehrt: die Bedeutung von Balance. Die deutsche Vorliebe für Gründlichkeit mag sich von der anglo-amerikanischen Geschwindigkeit, die wir gewohnt sind, unterscheiden, aber wir haben uns darauf eingestellt. Indem wir diese sorgfältige Herangehensweise angenommen haben, konnten wir stärkere, vertrauensbasierte Beziehungen aufbauen. Ohne zu sehr zu verallgemeinern, haben wir festgestellt, dass unsere deutschen Kunden eine gründlichere Prüfung verlangen – zusätzlich dazu, dass wir Zugang zu den richtigen Marktsegmenten schaffen. Dieser Wandel zahlt sich aus: in Form von engeren Kundenbeziehungen und längerfristigen Partnerschaften. Das motiviert uns auch, weiter in unsere Recruitment-Fähigkeiten zu investieren.

4. Welche unerwartete Herausforderung in Deutschland hat das Team am meisten geprägt und wie haben wir sie gemeistert?

Eine der größten Überraschungen war die deutlich wichtigere Rolle, die die Personalabteilungen in Deutschland bei Einstellungsentscheidungen spielen. Anders als in anderen Märkten, in denen oft die Treasury-Teams das Recruiting führen, übernimmt in Deutschland die HR-Abteilung die Verantwortung. Dies hat uns dazu veranlasst, unsere Kommunikations- und Engagementstrategien mit den Kunden neu zu überdenken – eine wertvolle Erkenntnis, die uns langfristig anpassungsfähiger und effizienter gemacht hat.

5. Was sind die spannendsten Ziele des Teams für 2025?

Seit Anfang dieses Jahres agieren wir als GmbH, was unsere Ambitionen und Absichten noch einmal deutlich unterstreicht. Mit Blick auf 2025 gibt es vieles, worauf wir uns freuen können. Wir haben eine starke Grundlage geschaffen, und jetzt ist es Zeit, richtig durchzustarten. Unser Ziel ist es, noch mehr Unternehmen und Treasurer bei ihrer Personal- und Karriereplanung zu unterstützen und dadurch weitere Verbindungen zu schaffen. Nicht nur auf Unternehmensseite, sondern auch Anbieter von Treasury-Dienstleistungen und -Produkten werden von unserem Netzwerk profitieren. Nachdem wir bereits beim Finanzsymposium an Relevanz gewonnen haben, planen wir, unsere Präsenz dieses Jahr weiter auszubauen – ebenso wie bei anderen wichtigen Veranstaltungen in Deutschland. Mit klaren Zielen vor Augen sieht die Zukunft für unser Team in Deutschland sehr vielversprechend aus.


Connecting Treasury Talent in Germany: An Interview with Alana Imron

Continuing our interview series, we’re excited to introduce Alana Imron! With a strong focus on the German market, Alana shares her journey into treasury recruitment, how her role has evolved over time, and what motivates her passion for connecting talent with the right opportunities. Let’s dive in and get to know Alana!

How did you decide to join Treasurer Search?

I decided to join Treasurer Search because the company’s open, supportive and diverse team really stood out to me. I value a personal approach, and recruitment allows me to connect with people on a meaningful level. It felt like the perfect opportunity to take on a new challenge, contribute my experience working with people across different sectors, and support our expansion into the German market with my background.

What is your expertise within the Treasurer Search team?

I am mainly responsible for ensuring that our recruitment processes run smoothly and effectively, focusing on quality and making sure both candidates and clients are happy at every step. I also specialize in the German market, where we’ve built a strong network.

With my German background, I manage relationships with clients and candidates in that region, ensuring we meet their specific needs.

Can you tell us more about your role and how it has evolved since you joined?

When I joined Treasurer Search in 2023, I began as a Search and Project Coordinator, focusing on organizing appointments, managing data, and ensuring the quality of our processes. Now, as a Recruitment Consultant, I help candidates find the right jobs and engage with clients to build long-term relationships, with a special focus on the German market. It’s been exciting to see my role evolve, and I truly enjoy contributing to the growth of the treasury community in Germany, while also maintaining a high standard of quality management.

What attracted you to a career in treasury recruitment, and what do you find most exciting about this field?

I love working with people, and treasury recruitment gives me the chance to make a difference in someone’s career. I enjoy helping candidates take their next step while also assisting clients in finding the best professionals for their needs. What I find most exciting is the long-term relationships we build—it’s about more than just filling a position; it’s about supporting people throughout their career journey.

Plus, every job is different, and every client has unique needs, which keeps the work interesting and challenging. I enjoy the variety and the opportunity to learn and grow while finding the best fit for both candidates and clients.

Can you explain your approach to networking and relationship-building within the treasury community?

At Treasurer Search, we focus on building long-term relationships. From the start, we make it clear to clients and candidates that we are here to support them in the long run, not just for one project. This helps us create trust and ensures they feel comfortable coming back to us whenever they need help.

In your experience, what skills have proven to be most essential for someone in your role?

Good communication is very important, especially when contacting clients or candidates for the first time. Being honest and clear helps to build trust. Staying organized and proactive is also essential so that candidates and clients always feel supported. But also understanding the treasury market is key to having meaningful conversations and offering the right solutions.

If there is one quote you would give others as advice, what would it be?

“Focus on progress, not perfection, and success will follow.”

Meet The Treasurer Search Team

Treasury Recruitment in Germany – Lessons Learned in Mannheim

This year Treasurer Search was present with a stand at the FinanzSymposium of SLG in Mannheim for the first time. We found candidates for clients in Germany before and could now announce our local presence. We were also there to learn in what aspects the German labour market is different from others. Our visit was a big success, we met many, learned a lot, and could already discuss assignments. 

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Read more about Treasury Recruitment in Germany – Lessons Learned in Mannheim

Match of the Month - November 2024

On a regular basis, we get the question of how we land our new assignments. Of course, there is not one source, it is social media marketing, events, and direct acquisition, and also the newsletter is one of the sources. What we can say is that the majority comes from our “warm network“. Also in the market which we entered only a short time ago: Germany.

About a year ago, we landed a new group treasurer assignment when a candidate we were in contact with about a role in Dubai, referred us to his CFO when he left. This of course only works when we do a proper job and find good successors. Our latest placement in Germany is a capital markets executive.

This assignment came through us after we invited the previous job holder to the FinanzSymposium in Mannheim. When he decided to take his next step, we were asked to find his successor. He mentioned our name and we gladly stepped in. And now we can celebrate successfully closing this role with a candidate we met before. For another position in Dubai…..

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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Read more about Match of the Month – December 2024

Connecting Talent in Treasury Consultancy: An Interview with Haia Aaraj

We continue our interview series and presenting Haia. She is one of our skilled recruitment consultants with a strong focus on consultancy roles. In this interview, she shares her journey since moving to the Netherlands, the challenges she had to overcome and what excites her about treasury recruitment. Let’s get to know Haia!

Can you tell us about yourself, your background, and your experiences?

I have a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a technical diploma in management. I grew up and studied in Syria, where I started my career in recruitment in 2016. I completed an internship with the United Nations, and then worked at a medical centre in the recruitment department for a year, before relocating to Dubai. Worked there for 3 years at a corporate. I  was a corporate recruiter and then after 2 years I was promoted to recruitment manager During that time, I built the recruitment department, implemented an ATS, and hired a team.

In 2021, I relocated to the Netherlands. Before leaving Dubai, I trained my replacement while job hunting in the Netherlands. I moved to Venlo, and since it’s not a very international city, finding a job without speaking Dutch wasn’t easy. Luckily, Pieter gave me the chance to take on a new challenge, and because most people in treasury speak English, not knowing Dutch wasn’t a problem. I started as a recruitment consultant in February 2022, and it’s been going great so far.

How did you adapt to the transition from Syria to the Netherlands, both in your professional career and personal life?

On a personal level, the cultural differences were significant. The way people communicate and interact is very different, and the directness of Dutch society took some getting used to. However, it wasn’t impossible to adapt once I accepted that this is where I am, and I needed to adjust to be comfortable here. Thankfully, I was able to integrate fairly quickly.

When I started at Treasurer Search, everyone was Dutch, and I was the only foreigner. My colleagues played a big role in helping me integrate and adapt to the culture and society. Professionally, the transition was also challenging. The way you communicate and address people, especially seniors, is different in the Netherlands compared to the Middle East. It took some time to adjust, but overall, I’ve adapted well and I am happy.

What attracted you to a career in treasury recruitment, and what do you find most exciting about this field?

From the start of my recruitment career, from my first internship, then working in a medical center followed by a corporate in Dubai, I’ve always been drawn to roles that are more challenging to fill. Whether it was hiring business analysts, developers, data scientists, or doctors, I enjoyed the challenge of finding the right talent for those specialized areas. Treasury recruitment is similar in that it’s not a field where you get hundreds of applicants. You have to do your research, connect with people, and really understand the industry. I find the mix of recruitment, treasury, and technology fascinating, and I embraced the challenge.

What is your specialty within the Treasurer Search team?

I primarily focus on recruiting juniors and mediors, as well as consultants. I work with consultancy partners and fintech companies because I find that mix of roles especially interesting.

Can you explain your approach to networking and relationship-building within the treasury community?

With my background in sociology, I’ve always had an interest in personal and human connections. In recruitment, it’s not just about work—it’s about the people behind the CVs. Whatever happens at work affects your personal life, so the human aspect is very important. I always try to go beyond the standard interview by adding a personal touch, helping to build a connection and openness with the candidates as well as the clients. When people feel comfortable and connected, it leads to better communication, which is important when trying to find the right fit for both candidates and clients.

What advice would you give to candidates looking to advance their careers in treasury?

My advice to candidates is to continuously expand your technical knowledge and master the fundamentals of treasury. It’s also key to stay up to date with industry trends, especially in terms of new software and systems. If you haven’t worked with a treasury management system (TMS) yet, it’s worth investing time to familiarize yourself.

Professional certifications such as the ACT, CTP, or CFA can also significantly boost your career prospects. Continuous learning is key—never stop expanding your knowledge. And of course, focus on developing a strategic mindset, which is what differentiates treasury analysts from managers or directors.

What advice would you give to clients who are considering working with a recruitment agency?

It’s important for clients to work with recruiters who truly understand the field they’re hiring for. Treasury is a niche within a niche, and recruitment in this area requires specialized knowledge. That’s where agencies like Treasurer Search come in. Rather than receiving hundreds of generic CVs, clients get candidates that are on point and tailored to their needs.

If there is one quote you would give others as advice, what would it be?

“Growth begins at the edge of your comfort zone”

Meet The Treasurer Search Team

Treasury Consultancy: A Career Path Worth Pursuing

Discover the exciting world of treasury consultancy. Learn about the career's benefits, challenges, and growth opportunities. Find out if a career in treasury consultancy is right for you with insights from Treasurer Search.

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Read more about Treasury Consultancy: A Career Path Worth Pursuing

Match of the Month - October 2024

The match of this month underlines that labour market contracts come in many shapes and forms and there is a whole spectrum between being permanently employed and hiring a consultant from large firms.

Our client works on a complex TMS implementation where a new module is in the alpha (towards beta) version. They do not want to rely 100% on their vendor and are looking for a candidate who will manage the project and relations on their behalf. Quality, cost, and speed are all important aspects.

Next to the specialized treasury consultancy firm they considered, we were able to present candidates with a track record in TMS implementations, as well as a former senior consultant of a Big4. Our client chose the last as he can balance all important aspects and from the first meeting showed he can manage the process.

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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15 Years of Treasurer Search: An Interview with Pieter de Kiewit

As Treasurer Search celebrates its 15th anniversary, Pieter takes a moment to reflect on the journey and future aspirations of the company. This milestone isn’t just about the time that’s passed, but about the connections made and the team’s continued commitment to doing recruitment the right way.

The company has grown over the past years through a focus on what matters most: understanding the needs of the treasury field, building long-lasting relationships and maintaining a positive and engaging workplace environment. Read on to hear Pieter’s insights and reflections on the 15 years of Treasurer Search, what has happened in the meantime, and what you can expect for the future!

Reflecting on the past 15 years, what inspired you to start Treasurer Search, and how has that vision changed over time?

The inspiration behind Treasurer Search was personal rather than some grand vision. For me, it was about doing what I loved most in my working life—recruitment—and finding the right setup to do so. Being an entrepreneur wasn’t the primary goal; it was more about creating a company that allowed me to recruit in my own way.

Even before starting Treasurer Search, I veered back to any assignment that was treasury-related. So apparently, somewhere in my system, I liked the treasury component, and on that, I started to build the business case. What doesn’t go well with me is the bulk recruitment, the dime-a-dozen or commodity-type of recruitment, because I don’t think you can bring as much added value.

The niche approach worked for me because it allowed us to bring real expertise to both internal recruiters (telling them about treasury) and group treasurers (because they hardly ever recruit somebody, and we can tell them about the finesse of recruitment). These are some of the many aspects that blended well and led me to start Treasurer Search.

How has Treasurer Search evolved throughout the years?

From the start, our growth has been more organic. I never aimed for rapid expansion, but over time, growing the team has allowed us to do things we couldn’t have done with just three or four people. The essence of our approach hasn’t changed; we still aim to provide higher value.

I saw three stages over the years. At the start, we were 3 or 4 colleagues, working on the same assignments, all generalists. Then we went to a stage where we had two groups of generalists, a group of consultants heading assignments and next to that, support. Now we’re in the third stage with many specialists in support, like marketing and control and in parallel, also specialist on the consultancy side, in interim, seniority and certain geographies. Specializing is great, because I think, for instance, our screening and networking processes are better because we have much more expertise in-house.

What key values have guided you in building Treasurer Search, and how do they shape the way the company operates today?

Our core values come from my personal values and they are also a bit connected to me being Dutch perhaps, and having fun in an international environment. One of the values is always operating at eye-level, whether it’s with clients, candidates, or among ourselves. I do believe this is connected to building long-term relationships. The result of this is that you will do a better job as a recruitment company & employer, choose better candidates as well as help candidates build a career that is more thought through. The eye-level and the open and honest communication works best for me.

One of the great things of recruitment is how easy it is to measure if you are any good: you make the matches or you do not. Luckily, as a team, we prove that we can on a regular basis. And strongly connected to this is quality of services. We do want clients and candidates to return and hate a sloppy job. It makes me proud when clients return to us and ask us to find further employees.

But also enjoy working together. Primary goal is, of course, not fun, but without it, it becomes more difficult to enjoy what you do. So for me, these are some of the aspects I started off with and I think in the market nowadays, they are even more important. We see that the market is tilting, where the power of the candidates is going up because of staff shortage.

Looking back over the past 15 years, what do you consider to be Treasurer Search’s greatest achievements?

That’s a tough one because there are so many different flavors of achievements. From a business buildup, moments like when a company for the first time spontaneously called us with an assignment, or when we placed our first group treasurer at a listed firm, are all significant milestones. Building full treasury teams is also a great fun.

We celebrated 15 years and one contemplates, and you realize there is an office with people who have kids at home, who are paying mortgages, who are building their lives, who have fun and the fact that their bills are being paid based on what we established. That is rewarding.

Is there anything you would have done differently, or any lessons you’ve learned that you’d like to share?

Of course, mistakes are made and we are not God’s gift to recruitment. Nobody’s perfect here. I think learning is connected to the goals you have. If the goal were to make most money or to only fill senior assignments, then we would have done things differently.

Looking back, I think a bit less organic and more fact-oriented could have prevented some mistakes, investments that did not bring revenue, or could have increased speed in desired developments, but I also think they’re part of the learning process. There’s nothing that I would do differently unless hindsight is 20/20.

Can you explain your approach to networking and relationship-building within the treasury community?

I think it’s a mixture of various things. First off, as a team of 15, we try to balance our personal approaches with the company’s strategy. The same eye-level aspect I mentioned earlier applies here, whether it’s with candidates, clients or colleagues. At the same time, it’s also a personal approach. Colleagues here in the team should feel well about how they communicate with the outside world. I think from communicating with candidates and clients, there’s also a balance between bringing relevant content and relationship management.

For us, it’s about the continuous contact in a frequency that feels good for all involved. A blend of personal meetings, calls, emails, we do quite a bit in modern marketing, and lately we’ve seen a lot of success also with on-line and live events. I try not to overly structure the process, because then it becomes inauthentic. That’s a bit about relationship building and the Treasury community.

How do you balance the needs of the client with those of the candidates?

Be open, transparent and honest. Don’t tell stuff about candidates that the candidates didn’t say themselves and the other way around. And keep the long-term relationship in mind, so no quick wins. If you cut corners, if you upsell a job to a candidate and things go wrong, it will bite you in the tail in future cooperation. So be open, and transparent and that’s been the case from the start for us.

However, as I mentioned before, the world is catching up with us, transparency is no longer a plus, but a necessity. Be open , tell clients, “Okay, you pay the bill, but I cannot treat candidates unethically for that reason.” and you cannot be the slave of a candidate who has an excellent CV. So the eye-level approach remains essential.

What are your future visions for Treasurer Search?

We should be more rational and analytical about what we achieve and what works and doesn’t, but the company values will remain. What I hope to achieve together is that we can grow and have a stable company without depending on one or a few members. Be a company that can live through happy and tough times. I expect that there will be growth in the German-speaking area shortly and I can also imagine that we grow into other geographies depending on the people who come in. It remains a people business.

What we most definitely will not do is branch out into other service types. The core basis will remain recruitment for permanent and interim positions. You will not see us offering paid career coaching, treasury consultancy, educational services or whatsoever. What you can expect from us is that we keep investing in our core skills, on the one hand Treasury, on the other in recruitment. Both fields are in a continuous development and have been changing. That keeps us on our toes and enjoy our position.

“I think in almost all cases, you as an entrepreneur should be passionate about your core business. Bill Gates loved computers, Phil Knight loved running, and I love the combination of recruitment and  treasury. If you, in the start-up stage, notice that your product or service is secondary, reconsider the start.”

Meet The Treasurer Search Team

Meet the Team: Monique Nijs

In our new interview series, we introduce Monique, highlighting her journey, the growth of her role, and what she finds rewarding about working in treasury recruitment.

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Read more about Meet the Team: Monique Nijs

Match of the Month - September 2024

In this project, we want to focus on the importance of the candidate’s personality and explore one of the many ways to make measuring personality more tangible.

Our client is a multi-billion-dollar listed company with treasury entities in various countries. For one of these entities, a new, innovative service and organization is being built. The board considers this an essential project, where results and speed are crucial. In our search, we of course paid attention to the treasury and other expertise the candidate had to bring.

In addition, we were very pleased that one of the candidates was (is) a former performance athlete. Research and our experience as recruiters show that, in high-pressure projects, employees with competitive sports backgrounds often transfer their athlete mindset to their professional lives. Our client chose this candidate, and we were not surprised.

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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Read more about Match of the Month – December 2024

Meet the Team: Monique Nijs

As part of our new interview series, introducing the Treasurer Search team, we’re excited to feature Monique. For nearly 10 years, she has been a reliable presence behind the scenes, keeping the office running smoothly and supporting the team. In addition to her role at Treasurer Search, Monique leads a fulfilling life outside the office. Balancing a passion for music by handling social media and communication for Fanfare De Echo and organising the education of young minds.

In this interview, she highlights her journey, the growth of her role, and what she finds rewarding about working in treasury recruitment. Let’s get to know Monique!

Looking back at nearly 10 years with Treasurer Search, what initially drew you to the company, and what has kept you here for so long?

I started my career at a bank, but over time it just became too large, and I no longer felt like it was the right fit for me. Pieter’s vacancy caught my eye, we had a brief phone call, then met for coffee, and it was all decided within a week. It was quick, but it felt right.

Ten years ago, Treasurer Search was just a team of three people, which I really liked at the time. It’s been great to see how the team has grown and evolved since then.

How has your role evolved over the years?

My role has always been Pieter’s right hand, but as more colleagues joined the company, my responsibilities grew as well. Initially, it was mainly Pieter, but now I support several consultants, including Haia, Kim and Dennis.

We’ve also had to manage things like moving into the new office, which added new tasks. My responsibilities have become broader, and that diversity is what I enjoy the most—no two days are the same.

What do you find most rewarding or unique about working in treasury recruitment?

Each search is different, and that’s what makes it exciting. It’s not just about finding CVs and passing them along. We always attempt to make a difference by delivering what the client needs. That high-end approach to recruitment is something I find very rewarding. Treasury and finance are also connected to my previous job, so it wasn’t entirely new to me.

It’s helpful to understand all sides—the client’s and candidate’s needs and our role as a recruitment partner. Some people prefer to follow one straight path, but we don’t work that way – we’re always adjusting to what the client and candidate need. That keeps it unique and interesting for me.

You’ve been an integral part of keeping the office running smoothly. What are some behind-the-scenes tasks you handle that people might not realize are so important?

One thing people might not realize is that I try to keep an overview of daily processes, manage and keep track of all the data behind each search, and handle the management numbers.

And organizing the fun things during the year is the extra task that gives an added bonus to my job. Events, celebrations, and holidays—whether it’s Christmas, Easter, or even our 15-year celebration. I make sure the team is looked after, and those details are important for the company culture.

In your experience, what skills have proven to be most essential for someone in your role?

You need to be flexible—very flexible. You can’t just think from Treasurer Search’s perspective; you need to see things from both the client and candidate sides as well. Flexibility means adjusting to what all parties need and expect, or adapting the communication style to fit the situation and the people. Being able to shift and adapt is the most important part of this job.

With the constant flow of communication between clients, candidates, and consultants, how do you manage to stay organized and on top of everything?

It’s a constant balancing act. Every calendar needs to be in order, every inbox is under control, and every candidate has to be informed. I rely on lists—my personal to-do list is my best friend—and I make sure to take a ‘helicopter view’ once a week to ensure nothing is overlooked.

For example, if a candidate hasn’t been interviewed yet, I send them a polite update to let them know they’re still in the running, rather than leaving them hanging. It’s all about making sure people feel valued and informed.

If there is one quote you would give others as advice, what would it be?

“Wie goed doet, goed ontmoet”

“Do good and good will come to you”

Meet The Treasurer Search Team

Match of the Month - August 2024

This month we successfully placed another candidate with a long-time client!

This client has been working with us for many years now. Due to this long-term commitment, we are very familiar with their company culture/structure and their needs in the search for a new treasury team member. This familiarity makes it easier for us to decide if a candidate could thrive in this specific role and environment.

This time around it was a search for the permanent placement of a role that was filled on an interim basis by us before. Our interim candidate raised his hand to make a long-term commitment to the company and move from interim to permanent.

Understandably, our client wanted to speak with some additional candidates to be able to make sure they hired the best candidate for the job. We were able to present additional candidates within short notice, but in the end our interim candidate turned out to be the best match and got offered the job! This time on a permanent basis.

This is one of the reasons that long-term relationships with both clients and candidates are very important to us. Knowing our clients and candidates well, enables us to do our job better and make more successful matches!

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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