15 Years Treasurer Search, 15 Facts!

It’s time to celebrate!

We’re turning 15 years old, and to mark this milestone, we’re sharing 15 interesting facts about our journey and what makes Treasurer Search unique. Buckle up and discover our story, from humble beginnings to a leading force in the industry!

Company Growth

1. This year 15 employees!

2. Evolved from home office to our own office from 1999!

3. Updated our brand communication- future-ready!

Client Focus

4. Serve diverse industries, from large-cap to mid-cap

5. Main source of assignments: returning to clients

6. Ongoing candidate support, from junior until retirement

International Presence

7. Offices in both the Netherlands and Germany, 4 nationalities in the team

Unique Offerings

8. Unique Vacancy Overviews on LinkedIn

9. Involved in RT Program, guest lectures at the Minor Treasury of the Hogeschool Utrecht

10. “Treasurer Test” – our unique assessment tool

Team Culture

11. Hand-on, flexible and fun team!

12. Highly dedicated team with low turnover

13. Diverse team with a wealth of talents and expertise

14. Active participation in online webinars

15. We customize, are personal & professional


What could our #16 fact be next year? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!


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