Match of the Month - August 2024

This month we successfully placed another candidate with a long-time client!

This client has been working with us for many years now. Due to this long-term commitment, we are very familiar with their company culture/structure and their needs in the search for a new treasury team member. This familiarity makes it easier for us to decide if a candidate could thrive in this specific role and environment.

This time around it was a search for the permanent placement of a role that was filled on an interim basis by us before. Our interim candidate raised his hand to make a long-term commitment to the company and move from interim to permanent.

Understandably, our client wanted to speak with some additional candidates to be able to make sure they hired the best candidate for the job. We were able to present additional candidates within short notice, but in the end our interim candidate turned out to be the best match and got offered the job! This time on a permanent basis.

This is one of the reasons that long-term relationships with both clients and candidates are very important to us. Knowing our clients and candidates well, enables us to do our job better and make more successful matches!

Can I help you too in finding a perfect match? Feel free to get in touch.

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Match of the Month – December 2024

Clients with whom we have an inclusive agreement, get our services including a guarantee. This means, if the candidate leaves within 6 months, we find a new one at no cost.

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