2023 to 2024 – Looking back and forth

2023 was for Treasurer Search the year that the pieces of the puzzle came together so this year we can celebrate our 15th birthday in the next maturity stage. Before, we were a group of dedicated generalists with treasury recruitment expertise, each of us covering many different tasks. When we went past 10 employees, currently 12, we noticed that specialization is possible and increases efficiency. We now have team members only focusing on well-known tasks such as marketing and we have a controller. Also on recruitment sub-tasks, we can focus more. Still, we know from each other what we do and inform each other every day at the “dagstart”.

Growth and expanding Expertise

From a market and results perspective, we continue the trend of previous years. Again, we set a new placement record which is of course great. As we want to be known as a stable team with faces you have seen before, we continue investing in a sensible growth rate. So you can expect new team members in 2024. Within our portfolio we see extra growth in areas we invested in: interim management by Ron, the German market by Britta & Alana and the senior executive level, my focus.

Because of our size, we can also invest in aspects that are perhaps less visible for you but still very important. Bianca leads us in storing and retrieving all that is relevant for candidates and clients as accurately and up-to-date as possible. Alana will ask you about what is important for you in treasury recruitment and help us with the best process management. Kim takes the lead in further investments in recruitment skills and the application of Big5/OCEAN personality typology in our work. The Treasurer Test will continue to play a role in our services.

Observing Treasury Labor Market Dynamics

My observation over the last 15 years is that the treasury labour market is dynamic but not as volatile as other (labour) markets. Of course we see an increased focus on technology but that is in all job types. In 2022 we had, in comparison to other years, many treasury control assignments. Last year we saw an increase in corporate finance/funding positions, and at the start of this year this continued. If this is part of a shift of focus in corporate treasury I cannot tell yet. In The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Dubai, already quite long non-natives are successfully recruited. In the German labour market this now also happens increasingly. Many of our Belgian clients still ask for locals.

Interim Management: A Cornerstone of Our Portfolio

Interim management has taken a prominent role in our portfolio and is there to stay. We are being called to fill temporary gaps, bring in expertise or even do transition or crisis management. Although there is constant talk about changes in tax and legal aspects, this does not seem to materialize. We do notice that interim management customs and fees are very different in our various home markets (Benelux and DACH) and act accordingly. Furthermore market shares between bulk recruiters, treasury consultants and niche recruiters like Treasurer Search shift depending on the need for speed, expertise and fee level. Personally, I do expect further shifts and a maturing market.

Treasurer Search in 2024

2024 for Treasurer Search will be about executing the plans we made in 2023. We will contact you personally, through calls, at events like DACT/FinanzSymosium/Eurofinance and webinars, to find out how we can support you in your recruitment needs and career plans. We look forward to hearing from you what you value in our services and to achieving success with you. Don’t forget that human capital is your biggest asset and career decisions are, next to family & housing, the ones with the most impact on your life.

Have a great 2024!

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